Finding it, aye there's the rub~

My new and favorite product, Just Mayo~
Picture credit: Hampton Creek Products


This just came in my email and it only serves to confirm my worst fears of eating Mayo all these years.

Having spent the past several years hunting for an Organic one with no success, I eventually settled on the one with the fewest additives, Blue Plate.

Finding one without Soy did not look likely, at least not here in Central Florida.

But then thankfully, about a month ago, one was found with no Soy in it, and I tried it.

I really loved the taste, better yet, it contained NO SOY!

I now buy two bottles each week, just in case they drop it at my local store, as has been an often been the case, when something really healthy is discovered.

As you can imagine, reading this GMO story today and the accompanying press release study, I was more than a little relieved that I no longer eat/buy Soy Mayo.

Several other stories were in this same email, about the FDA and their attempts to eliminate the already widely approved requirements for identifying GMO’s in all foods.

Am I the only one who is convinced that the FDA and most of big Government wants to force these toxic foods down our unwilling throats, just to keep Monsanto happy?

I remember reading a story not so long ago, about the CEO of a huge Food Corporation, who ONLY eats Organic, isn’t it odd that they will not themselves eat the foods that they sell to the rest of us?

While looking for information about my new favorite Mayo, several ugly stories came up.

Wow, it is absolutely shocking what can happen when you threaten the Giants, like Hellman’s and others with a new product.

They go nuts!

The reason that I bought this new product in the first place, was because it was the ONLY one that did not have Soy in it.

If you know anything about Soy, it is processed, using Hexane, which is a pesticide.

Expeller pressed anything is always the best way to go with foods.

So, today, I have shared with you a new passion, Just Mayo.

Yes, I know it really isn’t Mayo, but that is exactly why I like it, because it is made without GMO’s, Soy or Pesticides.


Places to learn more:

GMO Soy Accumulates Formaldehyde & Disrupts Plant Metabolism, Suggests Peer-Reviewed Study

Study Concludes FDA GMO Approval Process is Flawed, Outdated, and Unscientific

Hampton Creek Foods Sued

Bill Gates-backed Hampton Creek gets into hot water over calling eggless spread ‘mayo’

Hampton Creek takes crack at breaking up egg industry

Study Concludes FDA GMO Approval Process is Flawed, Outdated, and Unscientific


Et tu Wendy’s?

Black Bean Sliders
Picture by Walkingfox


Just as I was beginning a post this morning about a new product that makes my heart sing, bam the door slammed shut on me.

You see in my mail today, was a nifty story about a new Black Bean Burger being introduced at a select number of Wendy’s in Ohio.

But, regretfully when I started reading it, there was also a side story, that pointed to a quite unhappy situation.

It would seem that the about to become newest favorite eatery, Wendy’s, is embroiled in a mess over wages, with ugly insults being hurled, indicating that they may have participated in what amounts to slave labor with their employees.

Now, if the idea of a Black Bean Burger is new to you, please let me share this, my best friend at UCLA was married to the Manager of one of their top Campus eating places and he delighted in letting me know each week when he made them, knowing full well that I hated meat and loved this culinary treat.

I never did learn all of the ingredients of this delicious, decadent burger, but had been a huge fan of Black Beans for many years, so never cared a whole lot about what he put into them.

Moving to Florida basically closed the door on all of my favorite California vegetarian eating places, as I soon learned that they were not high on anyone’s totem pole here.

So, not willing to eat the Morning Star veggie burgers made with soy beans that have been processed with Hexane, a known carcinogen and pretty much a toxin/pesticide, I had given up hope.

That was until a few months ago, when shockingly I found a new Black Bean Burger from a previously unknown Company, at our local Wal-Mart.

Bringing it home was a challenge, as Walkingfox is not huge on doing without meat.

Surprise, he liked them and has become a fan, of sorts.

But being out on a shopping or other trip and hoping to find one was not to be, at least not here.

So, you can imagine my delight this morning seeing/reading this story about Wendy’s.

Joy quickly turned to sorrow, after reading that they are having similar salary and wages problems  with their employees as Waffle House is.

Right now the delectable Black Bean Burgers are only being tested in Ohio, near Wendy’s Corporate offices, but it looks like that may change quickly judging from the public responses to them.

Now if they can only get their employee/wages issues fixed, Wendy’s may yet become a new place to eat on the run.

And, if they don’t, then, as with Waffle House, we will not be dining there any time soon either.

So, dear Wendy’s, please treat your employees right, pay them right and this may after all, be only a rhetorical question, et tu Wendy’s?


Places to learn more:

Amid Call for Boycott, Concerns Rise That Eating at Wendy’s Supports Slave Labor

Why Wendy’s Vegan Black Bean Burger Isn’t Masquerading as Meat

Low Wage Workers Fast Food Forward Campaign

Worker wages: Wendy’s vs. Wal-Mart vs. Costco

Wendy’s “The Final Fast Food Hold-out”

Wendy’s salaries


Lake Osceola, Winter Park, Florida
Picture credit: Hugh C. Leighton


Two stories on our local news this morning, are reason for Florida food lovers to celebrate, as both involve great food and great places to eat it.

As if they were reading the collective minds of all of their customers, one of our favorite places to eat, Chipotle, has announced that they are now serving zero GMO foods at their restaurants.

Chipotle has become, after living in California for over 30 years, my favorite place here for Mexican food.

They have many excellent, healthy choices of great food that is carefully watched over and most delicious.

This is just a beginning, hopefully many, or all Global eateries will soon follow their exemplary example.

Those in the food serving industry can no longer afford to insult or offend their customers and this latest move by a big chain member, is a positive response for the greater good, unlike the negative one last year by Subway, when they were accused by a Blogger with a terse expose concerning the quite nasty rubber mat ingredient, azodicarbonamide, which was found in their bread, forcing them to quickly back pedal and remove the foreign substance.

This latest move by Chipotle is in keeping with the company’s long time mantra of serving clean, safe, healthy food.

It is becoming increasingly apparent, that when we the people, speak with one loud and clear voice, companies DO respond!

Locally, the trendy and elegant town of Winter Park, a favorite dining and shopping destination for so many, has announced that they are petitioning all restaurants in the town to go  ” Smoke Free.”

The voluntary initiative called  “Breathe Free Winter Park”  is already quite a success, with roughly 25 eateries already on board.

This is a very smart move for all involved, as absolutely no one should have to breathe smoke when they are eating.

Clean air, is better for the consumers and better for those who work in the industry.

My only complaint about this delightful, little shopping paradise, which I find on par with many of the best in California, is the ugly parking situation.

The town fathers simply must find a solution to this, somehow.

Yes, there is a Chipotle in Winter Park on the corner of 17/92 and Fairbanks and once the parking issues are solved and our food no longer has any GMO’s in them, we can all enjoy delicious, delightful dining!


Places to learn more:

Chipotle Completes Plan to Remove GMOs From All Ingredients

Chipotle nixes genetically modified ingredients from its menu

Chipotle is now GMO-free

Winter Park aims to be first city in Central Florida with all smoke-free restaurants

Winter Park program would make restaurants entirely smoke-free

Winter Park wants restaurants to offer ‘smoke-free’ patios


No New Ideas Needed


A McDonald’s in Norway
Picture credit: Ken


It all started out innocently enough.

I was going through my email this morning and saw a new petition for McDonald’s.

This particular petition was about something that I personally have been nagging them about for years, or every single time that I went there, which by the way, in the past few years has been less and less.

I do not like meat or hamburgers and have repeatedly suggested to them that they might want to consider making some sort of meatless or veggie burger, as several of their competitors have already done.

Even better, to introduce a few Organic items!

Each and every time I was met with the same blank stare and ” ok, we will suggest it…”

In California, we who don’t like meat are not a minority, we are a strong group with many voices in high places, like the countless celebrities who also choose not to eat animals and love Organic Foods.

This petition was written by a woman in California who was asking a huge company, which at the present time is all over the news for its financial woes, to consider making a meatless burger.

The Company is cutting their Dollar meals, shuffling their vast menu, and has had a somewhat dismal showing for the past two years, many say.

They have had issues with China and meat and a variety of other embarrassing issues.

None has been very good for their image.

So, I was delighted to go and see this new petition and to absolutely sign it and support it.

However, when I got there, it seems that the desired numbers had already been reached.

Well, that’s very good news and there was also a letter from the author with suggestions for other things to do in support of the Petition and all the necessary details were included in it.

As I don’t do Twitter and wanted to go beyond just posting it on my FB page,  I  then, as suggested, called the company directly.

What happened next is the honest truth, you cannot make this stuff up.

I dialed the number, it rang and a pleasant computer asked me to make a choice of directions to be transferred to next.

I listened to all of the different choices and finally selected  ” suggest new ideas.”

This is the response, or answer that the computer gave me, I swear on my beloved Grandmother.

” I’m sorry, but McDonald’s does not accept any new ideas from anyone who does not work for the company.”

End quote!

Umm,  McDonald’s, I think I see the problem and why your sales and profits may be going down the proverbial drain.

You obviously do not listen, nor care what your customers think.

And you don’t want any ” new ideas “  from those who just happen to pay your salaries.


What Are You Eating?

A Fruit stall in a market in Barcelona, Spain.
Picture credit: Daderot.


Three items in my email this morning concerning healthy eating and food, need to be shared.

The first was about the ongoing battle with Monsanto, Kraft and their friends at DuPont and Pepsi, in their efforts to defeat the GMO labeling propositions in the upcoming elections.

These bullies are spending millions in the two states where it is once again, on the ballot.

It will take a miracle to defeat the kind of money that this monster company and their comrades in crime possess.

This type of legislation against GMO’s has been defeated in nearly every state where it has been on the ballot so far, with only Maine, Connecticut and Vermont actually succeeding to get it passed.

There is simply not enough opposition  money to fight these huge, powerful Corporations.

Consumers have repeatedly spoken out strongly about their feelings on GMO’s not being labeled, but it has fallen on deaf ears everywhere.


Because no one can afford or wants to have these Giants as their enemies.

These Companies know exactly where to put their money and have strong lobbyists and greedy politicians in their pockets.

The next news item was about the myriad of foods that are still being sold everywhere, that contain the rubber mat additive azodicarbonamide, that was recently dumped by Sub Way after being outed and ashamed by a tenacious Blogger who exposed them.

But, yikes there are hundreds more food products still out there that have it in them and few know it.

Please check out this list below and refuse to buy their product until the rubber mats are removed.

Also, please do tell the individual Companies and the stores why you are refusing to buy it as well.

Strength in numbers!

And last but definitely, not least by any means, is a lengthy report on something very close to my heart.

Can your diet really fight and or defeat cancer?

After reading this story about this man and his work, I was thrilled.

The thinking of this brilliant scientist, T. Colin Campbell, is something that I have strongly believed in for many years and I concur with nearly 100 % of this conclusions.

As with Dr. Campbell, I also believe that the consumption of animals is a very bad thing, for them and for us.

This retired professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell, has devoted his entire life to finding the healthiest ways to eat.

His work was at first widely praised, but then as bottom lines were being threatened by his accurate findings, those who had previously soundly supported and admired him, fell away.

This man will not back down, he knows what is at stake.

If you would like to explore the possibility of starting yourself and your loved ones on a new path,  away from a life of unhealthy eating, won’t you please read the story?

If for no other reason, than to perhaps consider a healthier alternative to a meat based diet.

Better yet, ask  yourself this question: what are you eating?


Places to learn more:

In GMO Labeling Initiative Fight, Those Against Are Spending All the Money

500 Foods That Contain a Chemical Found in Yoga Mats

Can Cancer Be Prevented—And Even Cured—Through Diet? This Scientist Is Convinced It Can


Eureka, It’s Organic Bread!

Eureka Baking Company logo
Picture credit:  Eureka Organic Bread
“Worth Its Weight in Gold!”


If like me, you prefer and choose Organic Foods, you are more than just a little annoyed at the usual poor, or quite limited choices that are available in so many places still.

Especially here in what those of us from the West Coast often call, the Twilight Shopping Zone of Florida.

Since I began buying Organic Foods here, one much-loved item, has continued to remain elusive.

And until today was at the top of my list for first choice, thanks in part to my Dear Irish Grandmother, who had stuffed my fat little cheeks full, since I was able to sit up, this missing item was BREAD!

As I began this story today, I had not found any Organic Bread at the places here in Central Florida, where I/we normally shop.

That would be Wal Mart, Publix and a few other stores.

So seeing this story this morning was reason to cheer and share this great news with all of you.

Hello East Coast, Organic Bread is being delivered to a store near you as we speak.

Hooray, Organic Bread is finally available to the masses!

This Bread is USDA Organic, Certified Vegan and has no junk in it, that is a very good start.

Have just gone to their great website and used their handy product finder.

Glory be, this Bread is now at every Publix store in my area here in Florida.


This new Bread will be now and forever be included on my grocery list on every future shopping sojourn.

The three new choices include, my favorite before I even taste it, Grainiac,  Saaa – Wheat and Seeds the Day.

The Organic line of this wonderful company began in California, of course, in 2012.

Their Facebook Page is awesome and a link to it is below.

What a great way to introduce this completely wholesome, healthy Organic Bread, to the legions of us who have waited for so long.

The Company claims that their Organic Bread is:
” worth its weight in Gold.”

PS: Don’t let that guy on the package scare you, he really is quite harmless~

Actually, Nicole just told me that he is Archimedes the Ancient Greek God and the source of  the famous California saying:  ” Eureka I have found it.!”

Thank you Nicole for permission to use this awesome logo~

Eureka, it’s Organic Bread!


Places to learn more:

Eureka! Organic Bread Makes Its Debut On The East Coast

Discover more about Eureka! Organic Breads, visit www.EurekaBakingCompany

Their Facebook Page:

Eureka Bread

Eureka Grainiac Organic Bread


The Big Boys Are Buying In

Advertisement, late 1880s
Picture credit: Public domain/Wikipedia


Although I have not purchased anything from this 25-year-old company yet, Annie’s Organics, with over 145 products, is about to become a part of one of the biggest cereal companies in the world, General Mills.

This is just the most recent attempt of the Corporate Big Boys, to cash in on the Organic Corner of the food market.

Too many people are now demanding Organics be available in every section of their food needs and Breakfast Cereal has become a huge portion of that market.

Personally I love my Organic Granola, but it does not come from a Conglomerate, rather a small company who is faithful to its consumers and hopefully will stay so.

With General Mills newest entrance into the Organic Cereal Market,  the pressure will now be on all of the others to do like wise.

This can only be good news for those of us who have been quite limited for years, to just a sparse selection of choices, where we buy our Organics.

The mind bending price tag of this purchase at $820 million, is a pretty big investment for GM and hopefully, they can take the heat from the competition, when the rest of the Cereal makers do like wise.

Those who cherish Annie’s long history and well-known healthy product line, are more than just a little worried, they are quite concerned with this merger/takeover by a Mega Company who is not known for rejecting GMO’s.

The future of both companies is about to be subjected to the intense scrutiny of finicky, demanding, US Organic Consumers, who are not known to be very forgiving of what they perceive to be traitorous acts, by their favorite Companies.

Stay tuned Organic Lovers, things are about to get very interesting, as the Big Boys are buying in!


Places to learn more:

General Mills to acquire Berkeley-based Annie’s Inc. foods for $820 million

General Mills buys Annie’s for $820 million

General Mills Adds Organic Foods With Purchase of Annie’s

General Mills’ $820M Annie’s buy is a big bet on organic

General Mills Buys Annie’s Homegrown, Anti-GMO Proponents Go Berserk

General Mills to Buy Annie’s for About $820M


Awful Additives!

Eucheuma denticulatumor or  Carrageenan
Picture credit:  Wikipedia –  Stina Tano


This is an Organic Blog, so why do I want to talk to you about additives you may wonder?

Here’s why.

Harmful, even dangerous additives are being added to our foods claiming to be Organic and few of us truly know the affects that they may have our bodies.

Because I have such a wide genetic background that includes Native American, I think, my reactions or over reactions, to chemicals and food additives, may be likely just in a small minority of humans?

Yesterday I had, what I was hoping would become a new favorite: Spinach Garlic Pizza by Di Gorno.

There were so many claims on the box about how natural it was, but waking up this morning with, “the headache,” that always accompanies one of the “awful additives” that I am affected by, I knew the answer before I even read the ingredient label.

Sure enough, about half way down the list, was the dreaded word I did not want to find:  Carrageenan.

I was in a hurry last night and much to my regret, did not read the label on this new product.


If this word, this additive, is new to you, please read on.

The first time that I became aware of this food additive and its ugly affects on me, was several years ago.

There was a story on the morning news about a new additive that people were having nasty reactions to.

From that point on, I searched for it in every product.

Please keep in mind two things when scanning your labels from now on.

This product is made from a sea weed, much of it coming from Asia, where nuclear meltdowns are now becoming increasingly all too common.

This product is allowed in VEGETARIAN  hot dogs!

Carrageenan  is a cheap thickener, or filler, used in so many products now, you may need a score card to keep track.

The very definition of it, explains why I have so much trouble with it:

“Carageenan is a linear sulphated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds” – Wikipedia

I am highly allergic to  sulfur,  think Penicillin!

Predominantly it is used in ice cream products and anything that has a sauce, after that it is difficult to list all of them.

There are thousands, it is, OMG, even in our shampoo and toothpaste!

The reaction to it for me, is always the same, a nasty miserable headache, stomach pain and well you know……

One new-found affect recently discovered, is “brain fog,” or feeling just slightly off and not knowing why.

The other additive that I want to talk about is  maltodextrin.

It preceded Carrageenan in my life and was just as debilitating, with nearly identical affects and reactions.

I had just begun to feel like I had conquered the demon and BAM, they started putting Carrageenan in everything.

So, back to square one for label reading.

Many years before either of these two were a part of my life, I found that I had terrible reactions to MSG.

I will not expand on this product because most people are already quite aware of its deleterious effects.

But back to the beginning of this story.

It is very disturbing to me and hopefully to you as well, that Carrageenan can be added to Organic products.

The very definition of Organic is to give the consumer a feeling of safety in a chosen product.

But if the FDA and whoever else has allowed this to happen, is green lighting Carrageenan in Organics, when it clearly does not belong there, what else are they letting slide in?

As always, read your labels and let those who control everything that we eat and use in this country, especially the FDA, know how you feel about this kind of behavior.

If you don’t think that we have a huge effect on bad Company practices, remember the Bread at Sub Way that was being made with rubber mat materials?

They stopped doing this and now even proudly claim and announce in their commercials that azodicarbonamide is no longer used.

This was, although completely denied by Sub Way, the direct result of a massive, hugely successful Blogging Campaign to expose it, by one very determined woman, who would not back down.

God Bless her tenacity, her temerity!

We are, as we should be, in control of what we buy in this Country and we need to send the message loud and clear to all those who make and approve these awful additives to be included in our food.

In the U.S., carrageenan is allowed under FDA regulations”  –  Wikipedia


Places to learn more:

Carrageenan – Wikipedia

Dr. Andrew Weil talks about Carrageenan

The Natural Ingredient You Should Ban From Your Diet

Shopping Guide to Avoiding Organic Foods with Carrageenan


Sulfur – Wikipedia

Subway Bread Made With Yoga Mat and Shoe Rubber Time to Remove 

Uncovering Hidden Food Allergies & Food Sensitivities

Carrageenan what? Beware of this ingredient


It’s Looking Up!


Organic Bananas, Carrots and Blue Corn tortillas chips made with Certified Organic Blue Corn.
These are regular favorites: the bananas go in our morning smoothie with assorted fruits, the chips are for our lunch.
The Carrots are for all of us.
All pictures by Walkingfox


Things have been looking much better lately at the two local stores where I normally buy our food, which are Walmart and Publix.

This week, for example, some very kind people, showed me the newest Organic sections in each of the stores and they were, I hate to admit, quite impressive.

Not only is Walmart trying harder, they actually seem to like hearing, thank you when they do something, as in bringing in a new Organic product that you like.

The newest purchases this week included Organics that were: fresh, frozen or packaged.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that.

I came home happier with my finds, than I have been in many weeks.

Now for the first time in a very long time, every meal that we have, has an Organic ingredient, or product in it.

The great new Organic Pasta Section at Publix is just awesome.

There are many varieties of both Pasta and Sauces galore and all are Organic.

Love it.

There are Organic things there from around the world and some,  I am delighted to say, are completely new to me.

Have you ever heard of Bavaette Lavorazione Artigianale?

It is an imported Spinach Pasta to die for!

I top it with a great Organic Basil Pesto mixed with the Garlic Alfredo from Newman’s Own.

There will be a picture here of it, when we have it next.

More good and inspiring news for we long-suffering Organic lovers here on the East side of Lake County.

There will be a new Aldi going in quite near to us soon and you can bet that I will be checking out their Organics.

We have not been to their store in the Villages since gas prices went up  and the store is nearly 30 miles away.

But the new one will be right here in our neighborhood.


Aldi’s has always carried quite a few Organics and here’s hoping that the new store will have expanded on their already good selections.

It’s looking up!


Paul Newman in 1963
Picture credit: Wikipedia
Philanthropists give me hope for us as a species.

These are the wonderful people who make an enormous amount of money and then choose to give it away, or at least share a great deal of with those in need.

Perhaps it was a direct result of the fact that we had some of his pasta sauce for dinner last night, that Paul Newman’s name immediately came to my mind for a post on Philanthropists.

This son of Jewish Hungarian/ Polish immigrants would become one of the most beloved and well-known celebrities of his time.

Sadly, Paul has left us now, but his great work and generous donations live on through his Global Organization, Newman’s Own, and this franchise, ” as of 2013, has donated in excess of $380 Million ”   –  Wikipedia

This movie star, actor, race car driver and political activist attracted legions of admirers all of his life, but he is dearest to my heart primarily because of his great concern and compassion for so many others, all of his life.

It doesn’t hurt that he is also a fellow Buckeye!

Paul’s life was full and rich and filled to the brim with accolades for films and racing, but to me, it was what he did away from the glitz of Fame, that made him such a remarkable human being.

A true mark of his infinite wisdom and great class, was in his choosing and remaining married to his beautiful wife, the quite talented actress Joanne Woodward for 50 years.

Newman, who was well-known for his quick wit and clever humor, never avoided sharing advice laced with humor, as with this great line about marital fidelity:
” Why go out for a hamburger when you have steak at home? ” –  Wikipedia

He did indeed have steak at home and it was Filet Mignon in my opinion.

Newman’s Own began in 1982 with writer, partner E. A. Hotchner and the extensive list of products that they now produce includes, everything from pasta sauce to pet food, as is aptly demonstrated with the newest Newman Company Branch that  includes Organics like,  pet products, snacks and coffee.

Newman’s name can now be found on everything from popcorn, to pet food and pizzas.

I am a great supporter of the Organic arm of his Company and we have tried many of the products and like the fact that with every purchase,  we are helping someone, somewhere.

The one common ingredient in all of the products that the Newman Companies provide and produce is: quality.

Aside from the multitude of great food products, this warm and generous soul began in 1988, a wonderful place for kids with serious illnesses with his “Hole in the Wall Gang  Camps.

Although for millions around the world, Paul Newman will always be remembered as the quintessential, glamorous and exciting, movie star/actor, to me, he was much, much more, he was Paul Newman, the Philanthropist.


Places to learn more:


Paul Newman

Paul Newman – IMDB

Newman’s Own

Hole in the Wall Gang Camp

Serious Fun Children’s Network

An Obituary



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