Finding it, aye there's the rub~


Your Coffee should always be Organic!
Picture: Public domain Wiki


This Blog is quite a broad departure from what I normally write about, which is Endangered Animals, Global Culture and Evil Corporations.

The impetus for beginning this Blog today, came from my continuing disappointment and failure to find anything, but a narrow range of real Organic products here in Florida.

As with today, all I wanted to do, was to find some Organic Spinach to use in a Quiche later this week, but it was simply not to be.

Wal Mart, which is where I normally buy much of our food from, always with an eye out for anything Organic, chooses not to carry Organic Spinach.

Today, lucky us,  they had Organic Bananas, yeah, once a month, this is their idea of a tiny reward, for the thousands of dollars that we spend there each year!

So, I had to, as usual, make a special trip and stop at a Publix to find it.

There are several places near us, that claim to carry Organic products, but upon discovery, they quite frequently are not.

Today, as a result of yet another frustrating trip in search of Organic anything and in what hopefully will not be a futile effort, to educate myself, perhaps find some like minds or kindred spirits along the way, this Blog begins.

This ongoing failure to find Organic anything, is only exacerbated by the fact that after living in Southern California for more than 30 years and having easy, convenient access to healthy Organic Food and countless other products,  coming to Florida is just so hard to adjust to.

People often  refer to this phenomena of coming here, as “culture shock,” but  in this case, it is ” food shock.”

The Journey will be a hopefully joint venture, or effort, with you and me.

I know that real Organic products are out there, but as the title at the top says:  finding it, aye,  there’s the rub!

We shall begin….


Comments on: "Welcome~" (3)

  1. Barbara Harmon Bigham said:

    I guess we are lucky up here in Northern CA we have a lot of Organic foods, in the three stores we do have. Also we have a Farmers Market certain times of the year.

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  2. I have found that the closest (to me) grocery store will try to find and carry products for which I make a special request. Such as yellow grits, wheat berries, organic baby spinach, Florida citrus, local brown eggs, a few other things. It does help to ask, and when the cashier asks “Did you find everything OK” Say it, like it is. Leave notes in the product suggestion box. Give the manager some stats to present at the meetings he is required to go to, so he will look good when he/she suggests that “popular demand is asking for organic”.

    “Popular” being maybe one (me) in this end of the county, but… also, tell them, personally, “Thank you” when you see what you like. Perhaps I’m just lucky (Knock on wood) but that has worked for me.

    Then it is so nice when the store folk do al the hunting, and sorting, and transporting, and training everyone, and the farmer folk do the heavy heavy work, and somebody else does the refrigeration and building and utilities and maintenance and paves the roads to me and everything else where I can find it and built my car and arranged for the gasoline and boocoos of other fluids, to be available and and and etc etc. All I have to do is acquire some money and buy what I asked for … if I don’t set the example and purchase what I asked for, who will?

    Always someone will ask me about what is in my buggy….teens especially, ask me how to cook this or that, or if something they never heard of (dried beans, kiwi, cantaloupe … oh yeah) tastes good, and how do you get at the good part anyway? How did those kids get so big without ever eating anything except Twinkies and Mountain Dew? Maybe Twinkies and Mountain Dew have secret nutritional additives?

    Actually nothing is close, except a store with beer, soda and chewing gum oh yes, and cigarettes (full of additives and pesticides and anti-fungal chemicals) 😀 Some items you may have to just grow or acquire, yourself, or do without when out of season. I am NNW of Jacksonville. The closest grocery is W/D, which is doing better and better, due in part, to popular demand.

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